A Shot in the Dark: January 30th, 2025 Dev Log

Hey everyone! First off, we apologize for neglecting to communicate more frequently on the other platforms like Steam and Itch over the past several months. We hope this update clears up questions that many of you have been asking.

A Shot in the Dark Development

We wanted to wait and see how things were going to be on our end before communicating exactly what was going on with A Shot in the Dark. Now we have a pretty good idea as to what at least the short term future is going to be like for us and feel like we can communicate it to our fans.

If you didn't already know, we have a kiddo. Over the past year and some our kid has been dealing with some major health issues. It reached the point a where we had to pull them out of school for the foreseeable future. All in all, the recovery process has been a lot more extensive than we originally anticipated. Josselyn has been taking on the task of homeschooling and supporting their recovery, but that means her availability to work on the business has been and still is extremely limited.

With Josselyn being the 3D render artist and the writer for A Shot in the Dark it should be clear as to why development on the game has slowed considerably. This means that TheOmega is focused on Prince of Suburbia right now and 2D projects in general until we're able to get back into the swing of things with A Shot in the Dark at some point in the future. Josselyn will have more time available to work on A Shot in the Dark as our kiddo continues to recover and is able to do more things independently, but we can't give definitive time estimates on that right now.

If you're an A Shot in the Dark fan we suggest you refrain from pledging further until we are developing the game on a more regular basis again. We do intend on finishing the game, but it's going to take longer than anticipated to get to that point which isn't ideal for anyone. We hope this transparency helps provide some insight as to the state of things right now and why we didn't feel comfortable sharing our situation until we were more certain of what the future looked like. All that being said, having to contend with these things over the past year has been very stressful for our entire family. It's taken quite a toll on all of us. We understand everyone's frustration. We'd be frustrated, too. Thank you everyone for your continued patience as we navigate this difficult time.

Prince of Suburbia Pregnancy DLC

The holidays slowed down the pace of work on the Prince of Suburbia Pregnancy DLC as our artists and animators took time off to celebrate with their families. The holiday season is normally like this for a lot of game studios so that's not really surprising.

As mentioned before, the art and animations are and always have been the most time-consuming aspect of developing 2D games and continue to be. Once we have the art ready for the first mini-release of the Prince of Suburbia Pregnancy DLC we will release a beta version of it on Patreon and SubscribeStar not long after.

As a reminder, our current plan is to release the Pregnancy DLC in 4 separate mini-releases. Below is the art & animation progress for the first mini-release of the Pregnancy DLC:

Below is the art and animation progress for the entire Pregnancy DLC:

Get A Shot in the Dark - Chapter 4

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All the best to your kid! Make sure to make time for your family!


Understandable please take as much time you need we will be here

(1 edit) (+4)

with your kid being ill take your time man their health is more important than some update releases. hope the kid gets better!