A Shot in the Dark: July 20, 2024 Dev Log

This dev log was originally posted on Patreon and SubscribeStar on July 20, 2024.

Same as last dev log, we've been plugging along on both the Murder Mystery Game and Chapter 5 content. And once again, our progress percentages are still rough estimates, since it's hard to say exactly how much work is left, especially in regards to the MMG. But it's all coming together even better than we expected, thanks to the hard work of m. (GUI) and CosmicMirage (coding)! Here are some previews of what they've been working on:

Josselyn has been doing a lot of writing for the Murder Mystery Game and it's getting close to done at this point. The writing for the MMG is about 80% done, while the writing for the regular Chapter 5 content is probably more like 30% done. The MMG writing has taken longer since it's a new type of writing that we haven't done before, so once it's finished the remaining (more routine) writing will go more quickly. The current word count for Chapter 5 is ~28,000 words.

Josselyn has also taken a break from making sprites for the MMG and has been working on renders for the regular Chapter 5 content. Unlike previous chapters where we typically go scene by scene to make renders, this time Josselyn has been working through them by character, so that also makes it a little harder to estimate how much work is finished vs. remaining.

The focus of the past few weeks has been the Ashley content, so we'll include some SFW previews of those below. The current render count is ~1,500, not including a few Ashley renders still in the render queue and a few renders that will need to be made after the animations are posed.

Speaking of animations, TheOmega is currently working on two Ashley animations for Chapter 5. We know that players have been waiting very patiently for more Ashley content, and we're excited for you to see what we've been working on! We'll include some more NSFW Ashley previews in a future dev log. ;)

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