ViM Studios: Steam Keys & Visual Novel Fest

V0.95 with all supported languages is now available on all platforms: Steam, Itch, Patreon, & SubscribeStar.

NEW THIS UPDATE! If you have paid for the full game ($9.99+) on Itch, Patreon, or SubscribeStar, you can now request a Steam key! Check your email/messages for more information. If you've purchased the game and did not get an email/message but would like to request a key, please let us know.

Don't forget to leave a rating or review on the platform(s) where you own the game!



Don't forget! A Shot in the Dark is part of the Steam Visual Novel Fest going on this week. Be sure to play the FREE DEMO (Chapter 1) and Wishlist the game on Steam!


PrinceOfSuburbiaRewrite-Part_2_(V095) 3 GB
Aug 07, 2023
PrinceOfSuburbiaRewrite-Part_2_(V095) 3 GB
Aug 07, 2023 426 MB
Aug 07, 2023

Get Prince of Suburbia - Part 2 (V1.0)

Buy Now$9.99 USD or more